Tuesday, May 29, 2012

'Peace' ...a metaphor

while tightly budded
in its infant stage of life
holes were formed in ‘Peace’

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This week I’ve used a photo taken by a young man
who was one of my daughter’s classmates.
He and his family are in Liberia, their second extended stay there.
On their first trip (which partly was for the purpose of adoption) 
they met an orphan who they fell in love with.
She was adopted by Rusty’s family and they named her Blessing.
This shot of her just makes me feel good all over;
an image of pure joy.

what is a Blessing?
one loved little girl doing
cartwheels in the sand

Rusty is the construction manager for the ELWA hospital in
Monrovia, Liberia. (ELWA = Eternal Love Winning Africa).
 The work is being done through Samaritan’s Purse.
The project will take three years.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Last week held some wonderfully warmer days.
While I lounged on the couch, recovering from a cold,
I left the door open to hear bird activity in the back yard.
This American Goldfinch spent the better part of the day
perched in the neighbor’s maple tree singing away.
I know he was advertising for a female, 
but I enjoyed it, too. He was very well camouflaged,
blending with the emerging leaves and seed pods (samara).
I borrowed the description from
A Field Guide to Western Birds by Roger Tory Peterson.

“Song: sustained, clear, light
...Canary-like” melody
singing just for me?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


“X” marks its birthplace
rooted where it can’t survive
concrete cracks don’t care

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

rain drops

I was practicing my macro shots on Sunday
and took these of Lady's Mantle and Bleeding Heart.
 I thought of someone who's counted another sad anniversary.
The depth of that sorrow must reach beyond what can be measured.
But I also saw beauty surpassing anything Liz Taylor ever wore.

lingering rain drops
mirror the heart’s aching tears
some wounds never heal

nature’s cleansing rain
left tiny glittering drops
like liquid diamonds