Tuesday, December 27, 2011

HUMP Day Haiku
My husband and daughter gave me a very nice camera
for Christmas. It may take the rest of the decade to figure it all out.
This poinsetta is among the first photos I took. Look out world, I'm coming!

new Canon REBEL
nomenclature confusing 
shooting anyway



Helen Campbell said...

How fun to have a new camera to figure out! I can't wait to see what all you capture with it. Your photos are already amazing. :)

Cheryl said...

Fantastic haiku! Good luck with the Canon. I've had my Nikon for 2 yrs and still haven't taken it off Auto. LOL. My new year's resolution is to put it on Aperture Priority and learn. Happy New Year!

Kim Campbell Radder said...

Cheryl, I got a couple of photography magazines @ the library and am just beginning to understand what the terms mean. I know I read about aperture, but what exactly it is hasn't registered in my brain yet. Maybe flash cards would be helpful. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

GlorV1 said...

Great Haiku! Nice to meet you. Happy New Year!