Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Fools' Day

My husband’s been working long hours,
including all of the past weekend.
The weather’s been too wet to work in the garden
or go on a photo shoot. I’ve felt like a lonely, caged animal.
Hearing birdsong in spite of this nastiness
reminded me to have a more positive attitude.

Thankfully, Sunday's early morning rain (wet, sloppy snow)
quit and there were periods of sun during the day.
So I took myself on a “shoot” and
improved my attitude 100%.

still dark, wet and cold
robins herald the new day
cheer-up, cheer-ee, Kim!


bathed in brief sunlight
salmonberry blossoms drip
from this morning’s rain


Cheryl said...

Wonderful photos. Looks like you live in a really nice setting for photography.

Helen Campbell said...

It's wonderful to hear the Robin greeting the day so cheerfully. I'm glad you got out and enjoyed your day exploring and finding beauty to keep.