Thursday, November 17, 2011

Janice was a member of the “artsy-fartsy" group AE! that I belonged to for many years.
We met monthly in one another’s homes. Janice hosted us while her kitchen was
being remodeled. The large lot her house stood on hosted a variety of wildlife.
This was written in response to her remodeling angst.

for Janice

the towhee was
not troubled by the stove
outside your door
a concrete bath
shaded by the smoke bush
satisfied his need

the quail were
not concerned by the empty
unfinished kitchen
a pile of debris
satisfied their need

the deer was
not distressed by disarray
of human making
the plants you’ve  grown
satisfied his need

when chaos
rules your world
do not
observe the towhee
quail and deer
to satisfy your need

 the waxwings


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