Thursday, April 24, 2014

Garden shed VIII

Comments from my last post have me
 looking at this little building a bit differently.
One friend said, "Dale never does anything halfway does he?"
No, he doesn't. He has always done things "right." All the steps taken 
in building this were the same steps taken in building a house.
This definitely not a Lowe's/Home Depot shed!
We talked about storing our John Deere riding mower in it,
along with other gardening tools and paraphernalia. Isn't that why
we put in a 5" roll-up door? So the mower would fit inside?
I drove the mower in one day recently. It does fit, but there's
no room left for maneuvering it.
As time went on and the building was going up,
Dale said he didn't think we'd store the mower in it.
He says he wants a special place for me to "work with my plants,"
to fix up on the inside any way I want.
A special place for me? Isn't half the house special enough?
I don't quite understand what he's thinking, but you know what?
I'll go along with him.
Another comment: "It looks more like a chapel than a shed."
So, if this special place that looks like a chapel is my special place,
then my approach to finishing (and using) the interior better be
very well thought out.
A special place that looks like a chapel = sanctuary.
How can I honor my husband's efforts and the sense of sanctuary?
Chapel - a private place of worship
Sanctuary - a place for worship; a consecrated place
Consecrate - to set apart
Wasn't that spot in the backyard already "set apart"?
It's the view out my kitchen window, so I've carefully placed what I see.
The coral bark maple and kousa dogwood "cradle" the new building.

It's where the feeders hang and the bird baths are concentrated.
The neighbor's aged cedar fence reminds me of the Dinkel Road's rustic,
country look and helped ease me through the adjustment to "city" living.
Looking north into Canada, I can see the peaks of the Coast Range,
 and the North Star hangs over it at night.
Soon, the interior will be ready for me to finish and furnish.
Am I up to this?
To insure that it's well-sealed and we can keep it at a comfortable
temperature year round, insulation and sheetrock were installed.
I had remarked that I liked the "exposed" look of the rafters,
so we bought rough-cut cedar boards to give it that look.

Last of the sheetrock is on the walls.

It looks light and airy, doesn't it?
Dale's nearly finished taping, mudding, and sanding.
Soon paint can go on the walls. I think I've settled on a color...
How does 'parchment' sound?

1 comment:

GlorV1 said...

It's awesome, looks well built and can hardly wait for the colors you choose. Enjoy.