Sunday, February 16, 2014

Garden shed III

Dale didn't always do well in school.
A teacher once told him that he'd never amount
to anything more than a "ditch digger."
His father thought doing farm chores was more important than homework,
but it was his dad who put him to work on a tractor at the age of five.
The teacher's words were prophetic, but a construction career
of digging ditches and moving dirt with equipment small and very large
wasn't the demeaning occupation she meant it to be.
Shame on his teacher.

With the foundation done,
the underground utilities and drain system can go in.
We all know that construction = a mess, don't we?
Thankfully, no digging had to be done
 through the flower bed.

The power and phone to the garden shed will tie in at Dale's shop.

Putting an iris rhizome back in the ground.

Everything's cleaned up here.
Sewer pipe makes excellent drain pipe.
Connections are glued together; plant roots
can't grow into it and plug things up.
Before daylight this morning he started the last of the ditch.
Kim got to help, holding the electrical conduit in place.
Backfilling the ditch.
The dirt will settle under the sod.

Wired! And ready for downspouts.
More to come... when the IRS sends our refund check.

1 comment:

GlorV1 said...

Awesome! It will be great once complete. My husband is always doing things like this here at our home. Great post. Look forward to the next.