Tuesday, July 10, 2012

re-purposed equine footwear

My husband made several of these by special request
for a horse-loving couple's upcoming outdoor wedding.
I got two for my garden.


horses go shoeless
hearts are welded together
art for the garden


GlorV1 said...

Kim, how wonderful these horseshoes came out. Lucky you! Your Haiku is spot on! Love the rose too. Have a wonderful rest of the week, take care.

Helen Campbell said...

I LOVE your heart horseshoes! Clever, clever. You came up with a perfect haiku to match!
Isn't the sunshine and warm weather just delightful! Ahhhhhh! :)

aloofnewf said...


Unknown said...

will you maybe have some for sale on Etsy.com? They are the nicest ones I've seen

Unknown said...

do you sell these please? Horseshoe Garden stakes? or taller? Thanks