Tuesday, June 12, 2012

clouds at 5:00 a.m.

On days when my husband works, the alarm gets me up at 5:00 a.m.
Most mornings, it's pretty mundane, but one day recently,
I was greeted by this colorful display.


imminent sunrise
painted clouds vivid colors
soon followed the rain


Anonymous said...

Isn't that beautiful! Love the Haiku you paired with it Kim. Have a fabulous day. :-)

GlorV1 said...

That is just beautiful Kim. Wonderful Haiku to go with it as well. By the way, when I click on your name at Helen's, it doesn't link back to this page, it link to a blank page. I think you have to copy the link from the actual Haiku post for it to link back to your Haiku post. Just thought you'd like to know. Excellent photos again.

Helen Campbell said...

Wow! Gorgeous sunrise pictures! I love the haiku, it fits perfectly!