Tuesday, January 10, 2012

HUMP Day Haiku

What a delight to witness love sprouting,
then coming into full bloom in my friend Renee.
Over the course of courtship, she was as giddy as a schoolgirl.
During the wedding ceremony, the pastor said,
“I’m not standing here in front of a couple of starry-eyed 20-year-olds.
Well, except maybe for Renee.”

five years a widow
meeting Bob, fresh love blossomed
December wedding



Helen Campbell said...

What a wonderful haiku tribute to your newly married friend! She's a lovely bride. :)

Kim Campbell Radder said...

This was taken at a shower we had for her in mid-December. She actually wore the little white flower garland at her wedding. I was touched that she thought so much of her friends (she called us her "brides maids")to do so.