Wednesday, December 21, 2011

HUMP Day Haiku

Yesterday morning the oldest of the three neighbor boys called
 to invite me to their school Christmas program at Lynden Christian.
Over 100 children singing with loud enthusiasm reminded me of Psalm 66:1 
“Make a joyful noise unto God , all the earth...”
And I made noise with them.

white capes and red bows
adorn five- to ten-year-olds
singing “Gloria!”



Helen Campbell said...

It sounds like a fun Christmas program, and a it's a wonderful Haiku! Merry, merry!

Cheryl said...

Great haiku.

GlorV1 said...

Oh very nice! I enjoyed that. They must have been singing to me. Tee hee. Happy Holidays!

Kim Campbell Radder said...

Thank you, all. Merry Christmas!