After Disneyland opened in 1955 my Dad told me that,
one day when my brothers were a little older,
he'd take us there. I was so excited about his promise
I boldly announced it in 3rd grade "Show and Tell."
He never took us; I harbor no resentment.
I'm sure my classmates neither cared nor
remembered what I bragged about.
But I've learned to keep promises made something to be
filed away under "We'll see if that ever happens."
When my husband started talking about building a garden shed,
I mostly kept it to myself.
We once looked at a pre-built shed at a local
home improvement store and agreed that ours could look like that,
with our own personal touches and some upgrades.
Walking the back yard, I was shocked to learn he wanted to put it
"Where? No! Not there!
I thought you meant in that big open space in the lawn.
Not where I look out the kitchen window to see my birds
and Japanese maple and, and, and... NO!"
I put that promise right back in the
"It'll Never Happen" file.
My view of “that spot” through the seasons:
In the curve of the lawn is where he wanted it.
Between the golden-leafed Japanese maple and red-leafed
Where roses ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ and ‘Fragrant Cloud’ are
And fall asters and anemones.
Where the bird feeders are hung on the fence… No!
However, given time, much pondering,
a few plants that didn't do well in "that spot,"
I conceded... he was right.
After all, I could make it look really cute like this,
couldn't I?
A chandelier?
Trowel door handle?
So, I told him it was O.K. where he wanted to put it.
I started moving plants.
For nearly a year "that spot" looked rather bare.
I wondered if this was going to be another unfulfilled promise.
But bits and pieces for it started showing up:
March 2013, a roll of electrical wire.
August 2013, a door and one window.
Could it be??
September 2013, a roll-up door.
January 2014, two more windows and roofing.
Glory be! I believe... I believe!
This is the basic idea:
The man door on the left, two windows across the front and the roll-up door
on the east end. Siding yet to be determined, but I'm partial to the
pre-painted Hardie board that looks like shingles.
The other end will have a lovely arched Andersen window
that we found on Craig's List.
Taking advantage of our really nice, dry January weather,
he bought materials to put the forms for the foundation in place
this past weekend.
Rough exterior...placement gets my approval.
Working Saturday afternoon till dusk.
I offered to hold a flashlight for him.
Still frosty, but he's at it early Sunday morning.
Using the laser level make sure everything's to grade.
A pad outside the man door.
Stepping stones or pavers to create a "patio" in front.
There, in the little corner this side of the door...
a perfect spot to plant something...
a clematis, or climbing rose!
"A little premature, aren't you?"
Just testing...
Next: concrete!