Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Like the many travellers I see pulling trailers or driving motor homes,
I think my creativity is on vacation.
With some effort, I've composed a haiku this week.
Hope you're all having a great summer. 

the bird is a blur
the admonition is clear
rejoice in the Lord!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

the sparrow

not even a bird
like this small sparrow can hide
from God who made it

if a sparrow’s plight
is known to God who made it
how much more is yours?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

re-purposed equine footwear

My husband made several of these by special request
for a horse-loving couple's upcoming outdoor wedding.
I got two for my garden.


horses go shoeless
hearts are welded together
art for the garden

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July and it's still raining

I don't like to whine, but....

rain, rain, go AWAY!
I want to tend my garden
sit in warm sunshine

daisies grow taller
lush green grass too wet to cut
plants flourish with rain