Tuesday, January 24, 2012

HUMP Day Haiku

housebound by weather
ennui descended like snow
freed by rain and guilt

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

HUMP Day Haiku

a very shy  thrush
wouldn’t stay for a photo
window shot got him

day off

An old poem that fits today...

day off

blanketed in snow
fir boughs droop
fence posts sprout caps

the overnight deposit
buries demands
smothers commitment

homebound today
free to choose
can I go play?


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

HUMP Day Haiku 2

for Helen

shooting for the moon
someone heard my heart’s desire
no more lunar blur

HUMP Day Haiku

What a delight to witness love sprouting,
then coming into full bloom in my friend Renee.
Over the course of courtship, she was as giddy as a schoolgirl.
During the wedding ceremony, the pastor said,
“I’m not standing here in front of a couple of starry-eyed 20-year-olds.
Well, except maybe for Renee.”

five years a widow
meeting Bob, fresh love blossomed
December wedding


Thursday, January 5, 2012

for Anita

you've taught me words
foreign to my tongue
pacquete, sobre
I knew gracias, buenas días, and caballo
one too fast broke

how can I know what is
foreign to me?
that night when your name urged prayer
I thought husband not

how can I know what is
foreign to me?
lives and hearts and dreams
tears and pain and grief

how can I know what is
foreign to me?
last night when your name urged prayer
I thought esperanza


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

HUMP Day Haiku

fireworks at midnight
revelers greet the new year
let it birth in peace


Sunday, January 1, 2012

feeders are busy
gusty northeaster chills me
shooting anyway

