Tuesday, October 23, 2012

painted lady

HUMP Day Haiku

This species of butterfly isn’t a “regular”
in this part of Northwest Washington.
I witnessed a spring migration in 1992 and again in 2005.
I’ve never seen one of these this late in the season.
It feasted on the lobelia on my front porch
and the fall asters around the corner.
What a delightful surprise.

October sunshine
brings an unexpected guest
a painted lady!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Million Smiles

A recent visit with a friend and her daughter
at my city's local park gave me the opportunity
to do my first "people" photo shoot.
What a delight it was to watch and simply
capture the moments.

Million Smiles Playground
coaxed many great big ones from
Miss Norah Noelle

nearby Fishtrap Creek
enticed this bare-footed girl
to wade the shallows

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


With my husband off on an adventure,
I quietly enjoyed my morning coffee while sitting outside
and watching these interesting clouds float by.

Saturday morning
watching odd-shaped wisps of clouds
drift across the sky

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


HUMP Day Haiku

No, I didn't fall off the planet!
Joining Helen once again for this week's HDH.

Midway through cutting off hosta bloom stalks,
I realized this spider had been using them to secure his web.
(I was REALLY thankful he hadn’t gotten in my hair or
crawled up my arm or... shudder... something worse.)
I left the remaining stalks uncut, 
feeling sorry I had caused so much damage to the web.
Not to worry.
The next morning, a new one was in place.

itsy, bitsy...not!
this industrious spider
rebuilt in one day

waning summer days
ramp up spider construction
webs blocking passage

inside an ‘Iceberg’
rests this tiny arachnid
no phobias here!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Like the many travellers I see pulling trailers or driving motor homes,
I think my creativity is on vacation.
With some effort, I've composed a haiku this week.
Hope you're all having a great summer. 

the bird is a blur
the admonition is clear
rejoice in the Lord!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

the sparrow

not even a bird
like this small sparrow can hide
from God who made it

if a sparrow’s plight
is known to God who made it
how much more is yours?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

re-purposed equine footwear

My husband made several of these by special request
for a horse-loving couple's upcoming outdoor wedding.
I got two for my garden.


horses go shoeless
hearts are welded together
art for the garden

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July and it's still raining

I don't like to whine, but....

rain, rain, go AWAY!
I want to tend my garden
sit in warm sunshine

daisies grow taller
lush green grass too wet to cut
plants flourish with rain

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

first day of summer

(No feathered creatures were harmed
in the production of this photo).

first day of summer
will it bring the sun for us?
we are drowning here!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

clouds at 5:00 a.m.

On days when my husband works, the alarm gets me up at 5:00 a.m.
Most mornings, it's pretty mundane, but one day recently,
I was greeted by this colorful display.


imminent sunrise
painted clouds vivid colors
soon followed the rain

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

cottonwood blizzard

The edge of this bird bath, salvia, and geranium buds
all sport cottonwood seeds. It's drifted against the curb and
has turned the lawn into white polka-dotted green.  
I hope you're not allergic!

June’s phenomenon
a fluffy blizzard of white
sticks to everything!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

'Peace' ...a metaphor

while tightly budded
in its infant stage of life
holes were formed in ‘Peace’

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This week I’ve used a photo taken by a young man
who was one of my daughter’s classmates.
He and his family are in Liberia, their second extended stay there.
On their first trip (which partly was for the purpose of adoption) 
they met an orphan who they fell in love with.
She was adopted by Rusty’s family and they named her Blessing.
This shot of her just makes me feel good all over;
an image of pure joy.

what is a Blessing?
one loved little girl doing
cartwheels in the sand

Rusty is the construction manager for the ELWA hospital in
Monrovia, Liberia. (ELWA = Eternal Love Winning Africa).
 The work is being done through Samaritan’s Purse.
The project will take three years.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Last week held some wonderfully warmer days.
While I lounged on the couch, recovering from a cold,
I left the door open to hear bird activity in the back yard.
This American Goldfinch spent the better part of the day
perched in the neighbor’s maple tree singing away.
I know he was advertising for a female, 
but I enjoyed it, too. He was very well camouflaged,
blending with the emerging leaves and seed pods (samara).
I borrowed the description from
A Field Guide to Western Birds by Roger Tory Peterson.

“Song: sustained, clear, light
...Canary-like” melody
singing just for me?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


“X” marks its birthplace
rooted where it can’t survive
concrete cracks don’t care

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

rain drops

I was practicing my macro shots on Sunday
and took these of Lady's Mantle and Bleeding Heart.
 I thought of someone who's counted another sad anniversary.
The depth of that sorrow must reach beyond what can be measured.
But I also saw beauty surpassing anything Liz Taylor ever wore.

lingering rain drops
mirror the heart’s aching tears
some wounds never heal

nature’s cleansing rain
left tiny glittering drops
like liquid diamonds

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Skagit Valley high

acres of tulips
vivid rainbow of colors
Skagit Valley high

armed with our Canons
we shot hundreds of photos
day with my daughter

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


standing very still
my eyes search the underbrush
patience brings reward

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


golden daffodils
bathed in the evening sunshine
declare “spring is here!”

Saturday, April 7, 2012

very early on the third day

Mary came while it was dark
You weren't there

how early, Lord, did You leave the tomb?
at three?
maybe two?
how early?

poised at the edge of Heaven
was the Father eager
for the last stroke of midnight to resound?

before its echo faded
before the third day exhaled one breath
did He say to You
come home,

why not?
why wait?
Your work was done
Abba loved You too much to leave You there
one moment

Friday, April 6, 2012

the innocent Son

(son of the father)
set free

Son of the Father

 that healed

forgive them

 that delivered good news

My God!
have You forsaken Me?

 that held a heart of love


this innocent died
the guilty were
set free

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Passover moon

the full moon
 lights my sleeplessness
wrestling for comfort
I remember
tonight is Passover

my Lord prayed in the garden
the full moon
lighting His face
glistening on the great drops of sweat
as He wrestled with God
if it is possible
take this cup from Me

1400 years earlier
the full moon
lit the bloodstained doorposts of Israel
as God’s Spirit
passed over Egypt

the Hebrews were spared
the cup of God’s wrath
 not what I want,
but Your will be done

 could you not keep watch with Me
for one hour?
I wrestle to pray
 in the moonlight

Christ’s blood stains my doorpost
I am spared
 the cup of God’s wrath
was poured out
on Him


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Fools' Day

My husband’s been working long hours,
including all of the past weekend.
The weather’s been too wet to work in the garden
or go on a photo shoot. I’ve felt like a lonely, caged animal.
Hearing birdsong in spite of this nastiness
reminded me to have a more positive attitude.

Thankfully, Sunday's early morning rain (wet, sloppy snow)
quit and there were periods of sun during the day.
So I took myself on a “shoot” and
improved my attitude 100%.

still dark, wet and cold
robins herald the new day
cheer-up, cheer-ee, Kim!


bathed in brief sunlight
salmonberry blossoms drip
from this morning’s rain