Thursday, December 29, 2011

The weather hasn't been cooperative for venturing out
to take photos with my new toy, so I shot these
from the front porch this morning.

playing with the zoom
roofs and overhead wires cropped
beauty of the clouds


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

HUMP Day Haiku
My husband and daughter gave me a very nice camera
for Christmas. It may take the rest of the decade to figure it all out.
This poinsetta is among the first photos I took. Look out world, I'm coming!

new Canon REBEL
nomenclature confusing 
shooting anyway


Thursday, December 22, 2011

day two of winter
bright sunshine low in the sky
coaxed scent from a rose


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

HUMP Day Haiku

Yesterday morning the oldest of the three neighbor boys called
 to invite me to their school Christmas program at Lynden Christian.
Over 100 children singing with loud enthusiasm reminded me of Psalm 66:1 
“Make a joyful noise unto God , all the earth...”
And I made noise with them.

white capes and red bows
adorn five- to ten-year-olds
singing “Gloria!”


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday haiku...
using too much punctuation, but only 17 syllables!

hanging on the tree
paper, felt, thread, yarn, and glass
such sweet memories


 On a Sunday morning...

One of my favorite things about Christmas is sitting alone before daylight
with no lights on except those on the Christmas tree.
It's quiet. I sip my first cup of coffee.
My eyes travel from one ornament to another. 
I think about the person who gave it or made it.
Agne's crocheted snowflakes.
Mom's and my felt people: Raggedy Ann and Andy, the Dutch girl and boy.
Nancy's tin rose and star.
Grandma Collopy's yarn snowman.
Nell's and Suzanne's angels.
The muslin angel I made for Mom.
Joan's sparkly dried starfish.
Esther's hand-painted balls.
Debbie's ribbon ornaments.
Katy's heart.
The chicken with a "Merry Christmas" banner in its beak.
So many memories.
And I whisper, "Thank You for blessing my life with these people."
Christmas doesn't bring my family together anymore.
Many of these friends are gone.
But for this season, an ornament on a tree
brings them all back.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

HUMP Day Haiku

white frozen morning
frosty sparkles on the street
using 4-wheel drive


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Writing haiku has become so addictive that I couldn't wait for Wednesday!

(photo taken in October,
when the moon was visible before it set)

full December moon
reddened by the earth’s shadow
not for us to see



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

HUMP Day Haiku
(maiden voyage, with 18 syllables)

cleaning emergency!
poop and feathers everywhere
two birds in the door


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is the "Memorial to the Unborn"
in Monumenta Cemetery, Lynden, WA.

the first Christmas

before the beginning
 the Father knew
the Son would come to earth

not as King
not as Lord
but as a baby
borne by water
and the blood of woman

how could the Father
send his Son into the dark
of womb and world?

how could the Son
leave heaven, throne
and Father?

all the world
loved by the Father and the Son

on a Bethlehem night
came Light
by water
and the blood of woman

a Son
with us

(late 2000's)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

For the past decade my sister-in-law/boss/friend (Karen)
has gifted me with a Swarovski snowflake ornament
for Christmas. I will soon hang this collection in
my windows as I decorate the house.

Swarovski in my window

sun-drenched snowflake
casts vivid rainbows
across kitchen

colors of crystal


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

to Gail

here’s to dreams and seams
sewing machines

threads and beds
 lots of red

a room for
a room for
a place to just work


Sunday, November 20, 2011

winter residents

stubbled fields
weeks ago
of stalk and leaf and ear
now host
flocks of migrant gleaners who
pick kernels
from the fallow fields

necks outstretched
they trumpet
when they


Friday, November 18, 2011

cold silence
to perfection by
of practice

to kindle
fires of rage
flame of forgiveness

hurling hot embers could
the icy impasse

huddled by the frigid flame
of self-protection
pride says,
"I'm right, you're wrong"

frozen feelings frostbite
the heart
robbing us
of irretrievable time


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Janice was a member of the “artsy-fartsy" group AE! that I belonged to for many years.
We met monthly in one another’s homes. Janice hosted us while her kitchen was
being remodeled. The large lot her house stood on hosted a variety of wildlife.
This was written in response to her remodeling angst.

for Janice

the towhee was
not troubled by the stove
outside your door
a concrete bath
shaded by the smoke bush
satisfied his need

the quail were
not concerned by the empty
unfinished kitchen
a pile of debris
satisfied their need

the deer was
not distressed by disarray
of human making
the plants you’ve  grown
satisfied his need

when chaos
rules your world
do not
observe the towhee
quail and deer
to satisfy your need

 the waxwings


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mom's clematis

'Blue Ravine' blossoms
open in October
against my

summer grew
dark foliage
filling in
the arched trellis
no blooms

frost threatening
the season

like you
against the odds


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

on the pavement
yellow dancers skipping, swirling
autumn leaves


Nez Perce legend

the people
believe eagles are attracted to
those who are

on this January day
one perches
 in a nearby  tree

looking up
I wonder if it is